Thursday, July 7, 2011

Delightful and Delicious

I'm talking about life and the unique expression of life as me in that title. If I'm going to be alive and unique then why not have it be delightful and delicious no matter what's going on. That's the topic of my July newsletter which you can access here if you haven't received it or seen it on my facebook page Dismantling The Illusion.

You might ask, 'Do you always feel that you are delightfully alive and deliciously unique?' and the obvious answer is no but it doesn't take me long to make the shift. Everything in my life isn't smooth and without challenges. The bumps and 'challenges' are what makes life so delightful! When I reconnect with the uniqueness that is expressing as Yvonne when I've gotten caught up in some story or other, which doesn't take long most of the time now,  life seems to automatically become delightful again. Sadness, fear, guilt and shame are not the evil things I once thought them to be. They show up, I pay attention, moving toward them rather than away, and every time I move through one of these shadows I find myself feeling more alive, more wonder-filled and more appreciative of all that life is. Enough said about that for the moment.

The other day I watched this little video from RSA which really engaged me. It is a British organization and they animate parts of talks done by some very interesting people. This one is on Changing Education Paradigms and the speaker is Sir Ken Robinson. He talks about how the current education system severely restricts what I call creative thinking. The thing that resonated for me and why I'm including it in this blog is because it is another way of explaining the process of going from our natural state of inquisitiveness and openness to narrow thought patterns that constrict the flow of life and the experiences of delight-fulness and deliciousness. The education has already happened for those of us reading this blog, the Liberation Process is all about dismantling it.

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