Thursday, April 26, 2012

What Do You Think?

There are things we encounter in life that we would simply rather not have to deal with. Life just brings us what it brings however and whatever shows up is indeed ours to deal with in one way or another and often on more than one level.

When you consider those things that show up for you that you tend to resist like having to have a difficult conversation or doing work you don't enjoy, or making decisions that obviously affect others in ways they may not be happy about, what is it that you are really resisting? Is it the thing itself or is it what you think about it that makes you uncomfortable or unhappy? If you didn't think, believe or assume what you usually do about it would you have a different experience and make different choices? If there is fear involved (and usually there is) is it really about what just showed up or is it about something that happened a long time ago that is being recycled yet again?

PhotobucketIs it time for you to deal with the real issue, no matter how long you've been caught up in a particular thought pattern or how you may have reacted in the moment? Life is always presenting us with opportunities to make peace with the past and experience life anew, or we can keep reliving the same old story over and over. Your choice.

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