Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love, Love, Love

Since it's Valentine's Day I guess I should write about love. I did that in my last newsletter but alas, it's the big day so why not go with the flow?

I have to admit, I'm not much of a fan of the old romantic notions of love. Could be my age or how much pain and disappointment I experienced in the past in my efforts to be loved when I didn't see myself as particularly loveable but there you have it. Coming to realize that love isn't what I had once thought it to be and that it wasn't something to be gotten but rather what I am already has been the most freeing experience of my life. Funny thing is, once I realized that one simple thing I was able to receive it too. Go figure.

So here's my Valentine's Day thought:

There is nothing out there to get,
There is only the love that you are to express.
Remember to start with what you have neglected within,
That place where pain and despair likely dwell,
And you will undoubtedly be
Delightfully surprised to be set free!

Namaste and Happy Valentine's Day

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