There's something else that's been on my mind and has of course shown up in numerous conversations and sessions, that is about the process of asking questions. There are two aspects to this I wanted to expand upon, one is being aware of the kind of questions we ask and the other is of creating a space for answers.
First of all, we are always asking something of the Universe whether we are aware of it or not through our thoughts. They direct our attention and so they are always being answered in our life experience. That's why it is helpful to have some idea what we are thinking, which is really what we are unconsciously asking to experience. If I'm thinking about what I am lacking which I caught myself doing last week, then I will undoubtedly get more of the lack I've been asking about. If I'm thinking about what I appreciate about life then that is what the Universe will respond with. Pretty basic stuff but amazingly easy to dismiss and indulge in those very questions that give us answers we didn't want but are very familiar with.
Then there's the other thing about questions, creating space for answers. This is a different type of question, it's about the ones we consciously ask but don't tend to pay attention to the answers to. For instance, when you ask something like 'Why is this happening to me?' do you actually hang around to see what you become aware of or do you tend to use this kind of question rhetorically? I've noticed that this seems to be much more rhetorical than actual questioning for most people and so it isn't surprising that they never get the kind of answer that could be helpful to them, they aren't paying attention. What if you were to ask that question, or whatever your favourite question is, in earnest and actually took the time to listen deeply to see what you got for an answer? If you really want to know your awareness will take you to an image or thought that is actually fueling the experience. This may happen in layers so you may have to ask what's behind that idea a couple of times to get to the core, or you may not, sometimes its just right there, ripe for the picking when we're paying attention.
From the awareness of what is actually behind your experiences the trap is released or at least loosened and you have some options. If there is some painful memory that is being projected onto a current life experience you can bring compassionate attention to that and you can begin to question whether it is still true in this situation. More often than not it isn't, you simply don't know what's going on right now so you insert what is familiar to you. Now there is a space created to be able to open to receive the gift of awareness in the moment and wonder about what else might be possible which in turn leads to creativity and flow. Or you can be righteous and stick to your current beliefs and experience the same old thing again and again and again without surcease. That's pretty much what has been happening anyway.
Here's the rub, either way is just fine and you will be led internally to whatever is right for you now. It's just what Life does so why not relax and enjoy it?
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