I've been pondering David Hawkins' scale of consciousness this morning. It is a scale he and his group developed to map levels of consciousness using muscle testing. It's interesting stuff in many ways and it is also easy to get caught up in making one level better than another even though he very clearly reminds people often that it is not meant to be a tool for judging ourselves or others, but rather a means of understanding the evolution of and levels through which consciousness manifests.

Anyway, as I woke up this morning the image of the scale was in my thoughts for some unknown reason as this kind of fan like image where there was a single point that radiated out, something like this crude image. The thought that accompanied it was that the point was an event, any event, and the radiating lines were the many ways this same event could be experienced based on the level of consciousness a person found themselves in at that time.
I often think about the way life unfolds and whether or not we really do have any real choice as to what happens. Personally, I doubt it, Life seems to be doing what Life does in and through us and all of creation; we're basically points of expression and experience. Creativity seems to be happening at a level that is far beyond the personality where it is being experienced. The scale of consciousness seems to be part of the way we evolve and every level is being experienced somewhere by someone or something all the time. So the way I experience an event is not at all the same as the way someone else would experience it; neither is right or wrong, the perceptions are simply different.

Using the term levels of consciousness seems to imply a hierarchy because that is the way we tend to think; but what if it isn't so much a hierarchy of consciousness but rather like a prism where light is being refracted into its many colours? Is red better than green or just different? What if in any given moment we are simply reflecting different colours of consciousness? What would there be to judge then? Perhaps shifts in consciousness happen when we've been reflecting yellow for instance but are now attracted to the colour green? Maybe sometimes the colour red is called forth and so we experience Life in yet another way?
It's interesting to me that we are now also seeing more and more of the subtle shades of colour as opposed to simply the primary colours that were available in the human spectrum hundreds or thousands of years ago. The variety of human experience seems to be expanding as we evolve so the nuances inherent in any experience are more available to us as well.
What if Life is really a shimmering dance of the awesome spectrum of colour and light that we get to play in and savour and appreciate? I guess all that's left then is to enjoy the show as it unfolds.
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