Life waxes and wanes like the cycles of the moon only not so predictably. There are times I must admit that I for one think I would like to have some control over what is going to happen but the truth is I do not, nor would it be truly helpful or expansive if I did.
Being in control of things means to limit life to what I know and where's the fun in that? But it feels safer you might argue. Perhaps, but that too is an illusion because there likely wasn't any real danger in the first place, only the unknown. Ah, that is what we really want to protect ourselves from most of the time now isn't it?
I wonder what it is that makes the unknown so scary when in fact it's all unknown. We cannot really predict the future or even fully understand the present or the past for that matter. We give things all kinds of meanings, again likely to make ourselves feel more comfortable, but if we were to be totally honest we simply don't know. I invite you to breathe into that space for a moment right now. That vast space of infinite possibility which is the unknown and unknowable in its immensity. Nothing to be done about it, just be present to it. Instead of making it the enemy, another option is to befriend it.
When things are humming along and we are doing whatever it is that we do to stay busy we don't tend to worry much about these things. Hmm, maybe that's why we live in such a crazy busy world these days!That is what it is but this kind of busy-ness can only take us so far. Eventually most of us run into ourselves and that which has been driving the busy-ness in the first place. This often turns out to be fear of the unknown, projections of our unresolved past or some kind of pain we are trying to avoid.
That's the whole idea behind the new workshop I am developing and will be facilitating on September 22nd in Edmonton. If you want to check it out there's info on my website.
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