It's also bringing the levels of resistance to change into sharper focus as well. We had a great conversation about that on Sunday at the gathering because it was so obvious in the group. It's never easy to effect real change within and there's something about being truly present, kind and compassionate to inner being that is particularly challenging. If I was to guess I'd have to say it has something to do with dealing with pain in the opposite way from what we've been accustom to. Mostly we've deflected, protected, rejected what we were experiencing when we got uncomfortable and didn't understand what was really going on. That was how we survived the human condition.
The beauty of it all however is that what the self-compassion project is bringing up is exactly what is needed as we journey home to Essence. Even the resistance is perfect and you are invited to meet it with compassion and understanding too. I have not encountered anything so far that can withstand true compassionate presence. Don't fool yourself into thinking that if you just think about it that's enough; thinking about a thing is not the same as being present to it. Let the thoughts rest for a few moments and just be.
Thanks Yvonne, Although I know that focusing on something usually brings up its opposite, your reassurance and support in this blog is welcome. I've felt a lot of pain lately and have been thinking I am doing something wrong. Yet I am reassured by your writing that all is well. Pain that is felt is being healed. This a good thing. Blessings, Lori
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments Lori. It sure is easy to think we're doing something wrong when we are so acutely aware of pain. The thing that's most important to me in all this is remembering to be fully present to the pain with compassion and understanding rather than trying to analyze it or just think about it. I know only to well it's not easy to do but I sure find it's worth the effort.