Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Way

I just watched the movie called The Way with Martin Sheen, written and directed by his son Emilio Estevez on pay per view. It never made it to our main stream theatres here in Edmonton but I had heard of it several months ago and have been watching for it ever since.

It is a beautifully done journey story that is impactful and heart-warming. I was left with an open-hearted feeling when all was said and done and for me that is the mark of a tale I can relate to.

I won't say much about it here but I do want to note that one of the more profound messages for me was not to give up, not to stop even at 'the goal' but to go beyond. That's where the real treasure is, beyond what we think we want to achieve.

Here's the trailer for it. I think you can even watch the whole movie on YouTube.


  1. Hi,
    I love your messages, and I suspect there aren't many comments because you are so right on.
    Say something stupid for a change,more people will comment ...sweet honest integrity is not controversial.The harmony with your heart and intellect...the beauty of it all.....ohm baby.

    Your comment "not to stop at the goal, go beyond what we want to achieve " reflects a sense of spiritual adventure and bravery. That's an important key for growth. Our circles and habits tend to just slide back and forth, with slight variations...for growth to be vertical we must put the pedal to the metal to break free from the atmosphere of herd. How can we expect meaningful change to happen in the same old circle.It takes bravery and adventure to enter a new circle.
    The new circle contains even greater gets better and better....ohm

  2. You're too funny Aubrey. I really appreciate you commenting though. It does feel like there's a big dark void where my blog postings go sometimes. That's OK, it's really about sharing what comes up and the rest really isn't up to me.

    Ohming with you Aubrey.

    PS I do appreciate comments though folks!
