In recent months life has taken me in the direction of celebrating people's lives by presiding at memorials, funerals and life celebrations as part of my work. I love this aspect of my work and find it fits in perfectly with my work as a relationship coach helping people make peace with their inner being.
It is the nature of death, particularly of someone close to you, to take you deep into the feeling world whether you want to go there or not. This is a place where we are most real in many ways because the feelings are often so overwhelming they cannot be controlled.
This is also a very confusing time for many because of the depth of the feelings of not only sadness but also appreciation, love and even joy, all co-existing seemingly at the same time. If we are open to what we are experiencing, we are given the opportunity in these times to break out of concepts and beliefs in duality and separation and truly enter into the oneness of Life. When you are brought to that place of intensity where all the feelings are co-mingled and all you can do is be present to them, you soon realize that they are really all the same thing. All feelings (emotions) are the movement of life through consciousness and when the filters of judgment are removed all that is left is the beauty of Being.
I imagine this may be difficult for many to comprehend, especially when our culture has been so geared toward rejecting what is generally termed as 'negative' feelings. Those of you who have lost significant others and really allowed yourself to grieve will know of which I speak if you take a few moments to look back on your experiences from a broader perspective.
There's a wonderful quote from Kahlil Gibran that I have used at some of my Celebrations of Life:
"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain. Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?"
There really is no need to resist the knife of Life when you behold the beauty that is being carved out.
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