I completed my last 40 day focus on Saturday even though I continue to do the Liberation Process on a minimum twice daily basis. It was an amazing process of going deeper into whatever it is Life wants to do through this vehicle. My client base has expanded, I made lots of great connections and my work has taken on a new focus in the past few weeks. The main benefit for me however has been more clarity about what I am about in doing this coaching work and that feels wonderful.

So in terms of the new focus, I've been guided to offer my work with the specific focus of money. Money is one of the best routes I can think of to really get to the core beliefs that limit our expression and experience on this human journey. I have developed a new 3 hour seminar which I will be presenting for the first time in St. Albert on December 4th. Info on Beyond the Economics: Taking Back Your Power can be found
here. I'm really looking forward to sharing this with whoever feels called to join me.
The other way I have been led to dig deep into the money pot of beliefs and assumptions is to start yet another 40 day focus (I have to admit I really love doing these, they really keep me
focused) this time specifically on my own relationship with money. I've done lots of work on this one and have benefited immensely and I know there's room for lots more to be dismantled so here I go again....I will be talking about this process and inviting anyone who is interested in joining me to come to the gathering tonight in St. Albert. We can step into an expanded relationship with money together (and of course with Life itself in the process).
This is my idea of a good time!
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