Life is always showing up with stuff to expand our awareness and enhance our journey. Sometimes it feels great right from the get go and other times it does not. Is the one that feels great better than the one that feels crappy? I doubt it. The concepts of negative or positive; good or bad are subjective and we impose them on life's events; the events themselves don't come prepackaged with those judgments. I may be having the time of my life while the person next to me is in total misery or vice versa.
To be honest, I tend to glean more from situations where I feel uncomfortable than I do from the ones I am totally comfortable with. In the end, expansive experiences are all amazing and life is always providing them. The question is, do we take advantage of the opportunities as presented and step into the heart of whatever shows up for us or do we build up the already formidable defenses and ignore the gems.
I had a wonderful opportunity to glean the gems of my discomfort at a workshop I attended this weekend. It was so perfect to feel my heart sink and then be able to be fully present to what was going on with love and compassion. This was a familiar feeling but the way I was able to go to the heart of it this time gave me the opportunity to see more fully than ever before some of the beliefs that have kept me from being as fully engaged in the world as I would like.
I have no idea where this is really taking me but I'm definitely in for the long haul so I'm just going to go with the flow and gratefully let it be.
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