Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Wow Factor

There are times in life when all manner of discomfort arises. These times are often linked to stepping into new ventures, finally taking a chance with something you've really wanted or when something happens to shake up your world such as a job loss or loss of a loved one. Whether the change is viewed as 'good' or 'bad' (terms used when we are out of the flow of Life) it can bring up lots of fear, lots of limiting beliefs and their kissing cousin doubt.

Here's the good news, these can all be portals into an expanded sense of Being where once the feelings are acknowledged, the beliefs questioned and seen through and the state of wonder evoked there comes what I am calling the Wow Factor. That enhanced period of creativity and flow where ideas abound, activity flows naturally and joy bubbles up unbidden.

Last weekend I had all kinds of fears showing up and with each one I paid attention, went through the process where each belief I became aware of was questioned and released. For a time that just brought up more stuff in pretty short order which is exactly what the process called for at the time, then a sense of well being arose. Since then the flow of creative ideas and energy and just plain joy has been dominant. There's often stuff that comes up but it is dealt with so quickly it hardly shows up on my radar.
This is the Wow Factor; the sense of well being, of energy flowing, of the perfection of everything. All it takes is the willingness to turn around a face whatever shows up so that you can see through the veil of illusion to the beauty beyond. The dark times will indeed show up again but I know those times are really only here to serve my journey into ever expanding well being and flow.

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