Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Been back working on setting up my business for only a couple of days and I'm having all kinds of fun (not being sarcastic). Even the places where I run into my beloved 'institutions' are being turned into fun for me so, you know it all works when you get that any problem is only so because I make it so.
That's not always so easy to explain to people who aren't really aware of all this. It's one of those you have to experience it to get it, otherwise if you're only taking my word for it, it just becomes another belief that ends up adding to the already overburdened structure of the mind. Speaking of structures of the mind, for some reason the movie Life As A House came up for me this morning as I lay in bed contemplating this work. It's from 2002 starring Kevin Kline. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. Anyway, the metaphor of taking down the house he had lived in which had been his father's house while dealing with cancer and a broken family and then building a new house was very powerful. It's a great way of relating to how this process works.

The reason I jumped off the peace and love and oneness bandwagon and have chosen to focus on the dismantling process rather than the philosophy is because what I noticed most was how much we tend to take new ideas that sound good and feel good for a moment and pile them onto already rotting structures of thought and then wonder why it doesn't 'work'. In other words, why aren't I happy now that I 'know' that all there is is love, etc? You can't put new wine in old wine skins, you can't just nail a new board onto an old house and expect anything to be fundamentally different. You can't skip over the part where you take apart what you've believed because it will keep you in its thrall until you absolutely don't buy it any more. As you've noticed in my blog, even when you do take them apart shades of old beliefs still show up from time to time but that doesn't mean they're in charge, it does mean that the neural pathways are pretty well defined for some things and it takes a bit more rerouting to so to speak. The whole process becomes fun though so it really isn't about having achieved something so much as enjoying each moment on the journey.

And by the way, if you haven't gotten an email from me about the new workshop I am offering you can get info on my website at I'm looking forward to having lots of fun there!

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