That may seem strange to some of you, isn't living a conscious life all about setting intentions and goals and stuff? Maybe for some it is and if you feel drawn to doing that go for it, it is what is right for you.
I've half halfheartedly tried that in the past but the other half of my heart has not been willing to participate so now I'm listening and realizing that my life is about surrender at this stage, not about 'making' things happen. I see my 'job' as one of appreciation and wonder for what is even when that what is seems to be other than ideal. What is ideal anyway? Some preconceived notion that is limited by my narrow point of view? What if life has other ideas in mind for me that are far beyond what I can conceive?
It isn't that there aren't things I want to do; I want to go to Hawaii this spring for instance and we are making our plans to do so. The thing for me is to stay flexible and open and see what's right here, right now and make the most of that.
It really isn't all that complicated, the universe is always communicating; the only question is am I listening?
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