Sunday, July 14, 2013

Wearing Beliefs Lightly

It seems I so rarely visit my blog page these days. The good news is that it's because I've been busy and thoroughly enjoying what I am doing which has been mainly work but then I love my work so isn't that a great thing?

Today is a hang around at home day thanks to lots of rain which has been pretty spectacular. I was so grateful yesterday when the rains waited until early evening to arrive since I was officiating at two weddings outside. The weather was fabulous for both and I was so happy for the young couples who didn't have their parades rained on.

I've been so focused on the ceremony side of my business I don't even know what to say here. OK, here goes.

One thing I love about working with couples and families to provide weddings, celebrations of life, baby namings, etc is that it is really all about providing them with something that will have meaning for them, no matter what their beliefs may be. I'm happy to meet them where they are because quite frankly as far as I'm concerned beliefs are the structures through which we experience life not because they're the truth but rather because that is where we are in the moment. It's all OK. I don't have to convince anyone of anything, I just want to be there with them where they are and do what I can to make whatever event I am facilitating good for them.

I've noticed that the less investment I have in what anyone believes, including myself by the way, the happier I am. I know I too operate within a set of beliefs, what's wonderful about the way it is for me now is that I don't think they are true either. So I can wear them lightly and see through the cracks and even shed them when the time is right which enables me to do what I do with compassion and acceptance. I can assure you it was not always so and the contrast is what makes it all so wonderful and remarkable for me.

It's that nymph to dragonfly thing again. I love it and I am so grateful!


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