Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Wow of Flow!

Just a few days ago I set an intention and opened the door for the universe to walk right on in. I haven't had a lot of time since then to sit down and write any blog posts but I have followed through with journaling every day after my quiet time in the morning.

The first three days I encountered a number of limiting beliefs and their accompanying fearful projections but thanks to all the work I've been doing with this I was able to recognize them very quickly, bring compassionate attention to the feelings and really see right through the thoughts. I'd have to say that most if not all of them are projections of memories from the past where events happened and I decided what they meant and those decisions became fearful beliefs.

Nothing new in any of it for me because that is the way beliefs work; same old, same old applied to new situations and people. The thing that I find trickiest about the work is the fact that the thoughts that go with the uncomfortable feelings that arise are so familiar it's easy to bypass them and we do all the time. Ideas like, 'what will they think', 'they'll be angry with me', 'I screwed up so that's it, I'm done' are all too easy to dismiss simply because they tend to be familiar to me. That's the beauty of stopping, breathing and paying deep attention to what's going on in my body rather than the stories and justifications that go on in my head. Every single time I face the familiar thought and recognize it for what it is, a memory or a lie and do so with compassion and understanding I find myself connecting at a much deeper level to Essence where there is only Innocence and pure Being. That's when the energy flows free and life just takes on a whole new beauty and perfection. The past couple of days have been filled with even more ease and grace and abundance.

 I am so grateful for this process and for the wonders that ensue!


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