I find it quite fascinating when I step deeper into an idea how beautifully the Universe unfolds so that I can experience the essence of it completely. Since I got clear on the core essential for me at this point in my life being to trust Life completely there has been this amazing awareness of the places where I do and the places where I do not trust life. When it isn't just about lip service, the contrast is remarkable.
Whether I am in the flow or I find myself worrying or doubting I see with such clarity that either way life is unfolding exactly is it should and that all is truly working perfectly. If there is fear, it is an opportunity to bring peace and compassion to that in me which still believes in some fearful idea; if there is flow there is the opportunity to be aware and grateful. Actually either scenario is an opportunity to be grateful because as far as I can tell it's all working for whatever it is I am here to experience. Sure there are ups and downs and contrasts but there isn't anything 'wrong' with any of it unless I think it is so.
Life really isn't black and white at all, it's full of colour and nuance and beauty and I am so grateful for it all!
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