I soon realized that what was really needed was a moment or two of compassion and understanding instead of argument and trying to convince myself of something. The mind quickly settled down then and I was at peace with the way it is for me. It wasn't so much about what I had to do about it as it was about allowing what seems like contradiction to coexist.
I could then see clearly how often seeming contradictions show up in life where the personality thinks it has to be one way or another, not both. One example would be around money. I love doing the work I do, the coaching, the teaching, life celebrations and weddings mainly. I also appreciate and want to be paid for the work I do. There's some bit of programming in this personality however that says I shouldn't think about money, I should do things for nothing all the time, I'm shallow if I think about money, etc. Nothing new there, I even had that running when I had an oilfield supply company. How funny is that?
The point is that there seems to be a contradiction going on between the idea that I should do everything for free and that I want to be well paid. When I move past the shoulds into the desire beneath it to be of service and to be compassionate the contradiction falls away and the ideas of being of service and being paid can go exist. When I'm not judging myself for being human there is no argument. It's all here, it's all perfect and I can joyfully give things away as well as be paid.

By the way, if you haven't heard about it yet, I've developed a 40 day process called The Self-Compassion Project with this very kind of thing in mind. You can get more info and download the instructions and daily quotes on my website. By the way, it's free!
It is wonderful when I am able to be quiet enough to actually hear the messages that are being offered to me. A significant one I heard this week was that the only thing between me and success was my thoughts about it. If I pretend I am someone other than me, and I look at my life, I see success especially in my career. It continues to be difficult to see it in terms of relationship but I do see it somewhat. Sadly, it is my recurring thoughts of inadequacy that keep me feeling unsuccessful. Now the challenge and choice is for me is to not believe my thoughts and listen to the deeper messages.
Thanks Lori. That sure is the journey now isn't it? not getting caught up in our thoughts and beliefs so we can really be present to what is. Who'd have thought that would be what it's all about on the journey Home?