As life keeps rolling along with its own agenda, I am constantly reminded that I really have no idea what's going to happen or what anything really means. While it is fun to assign all kinds of meanings to things at times, it's also fun to just hang out with what is and let everything unfold without any particular meaning.
That doesn't mean I don't make any commitments to things in the future, I just make commitments to what seems right as it is presented to me, if things change, they change, if not, on we go.
I'm just having fun with the way things are happening these days and noticing my reactions when they should arise and then noticing them slip quietly into the gentle night. Why make more of things than I need to? I think a lot of that stuff around giving meaning to things is really about making the self important when in truth that isn't even an issue.
ps This picture doesn't have any meaning either, I just liked it.
Dig your insight and the photo. Could it be that easy? Yes!