Sunday, January 29, 2012

Always Another Opportunity

As I mentioned in my last entry, everything is open to interpretation and the one I like best is that everything that happens is actually hear to support my true intention (conscious or unconscious).

A few days ago I had the opportunity to experience yet another wonderful example of events showing up to support making peace with my past and opening to new experiences. I was made privy to information about a past venture which didn't feel very good to me. I found myself getting judgmental and feeling sad about it all. Then I started to wonder what that was really about. It didn't take long to realize that at an unconscious level I had been hanging on to something I considered to be my baby which is now grown up and no longer mine to nurture. I even had a dream about it this morning that really accentuated the fact that I was no longer connected to this entity from my past and it was time to truly bless it and let it go, consciously. I had left physically and mentally yet there were still emotional ties that have been keeping me somewhat trapped in a world of what ifs and shoulds (see Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda entry from a couple of weeks ago). Some of these concepts and attachments are so subtle and we're so used to being there it's difficult for us to recognize them at times. But the Universe provides and I have been given the opportunity to bring these subtle energies to the surface and face them straight on with compassion and understanding so that this part of the grieving process can continue to unfold.

I no longer feel sad about it, at least not at this moment. I can't say it's all done and gone because that isn't how this tends to work but I am on the other side of the hill, able to be fully present to the now as I lovingly release what might have been in the fantasy world.

Now I am free to wonder what new possibilities are coming to be realized through me today.

Are you making peace with your past so that you can be fully present to what is now? My sense is that this is part of the gathering of energy that we need to do in order to step into what is and what will be with grace and ease (in other words so that we won't suffer so much with the changes that are taking place). I don't really know what that means, it's just there.

The image that comes up for me is like these two galaxies that look as though they are about to collide. There is destruction in the collision yet there is something greater waiting to be born.

Check into your inner being and get in touch with what's right for you.


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