Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hanging Out

I've been doing some inquiring and journaling, diving into the heart of belief structures that are part of the human experience. Investigating patterns of thought that colour my world is always a rewarding experience. As is so often the case, when I go deep enough into any belief system I come to the place of no-thingness, the void, the abyss, the deep stillness that seems to be the source. As much as I know this place to be wondrous indeed it appears that the structures of thought we generate are all designed to keep us from it. I would guess this is all by design as is the journey back. This is where I am truly invited to rest in the unknown instead of making up yet another story about it. Sounds pretty simple but not always an easy undertaking given how the mind tends to work. But right now, there is nothing else to do.

1 comment:

  1. What, if any, is the difference between the void and the desert??
