Monday, December 13, 2010

As I begin a new phase of life, so I begin a new blog. I have blogged previously, sharing my process as a new thought minister with the intention of giving people a perspective on the process of transformation. That is no longer my intention or my process.
My inquiry thus far has led me to realize that what I have held as true and important has been anything but that. I no longer subscribe to philosophies that actually create separation (by the way, they all do) but rather have come to a place where the act of being without the clouds of beliefs, concepts, assumptions and philosophies has become most attractive. That is not to say that I am beyond any of those very human ways of dealing with life but that I see them for what they are, fear based means of coping with the unknown.
Life is full of unknowns which for the most part makes us very uncomfortable.  So what do we generally do with what we don't understand? We give it meaning, usually borrowed from what others have come up with, that has nothing to do with what is really going on but it gives us a way to cope, to comfort ourselves, even though most of the meanings we give things are utterly false, limiting and self-defeating. Over time we come to see these meanings as the truth about life and so we simply don't question them and if we do we tend to just give them other made up meanings that feel better for a while perhaps but ultimately still leave us caught up in the web of our own illusion, floundering and unhappy.
To simply admit that we don't know what most things mean is a very scary place for most people; it tends to lead to a sense of being out of control (the idea of control being another belief we tend to hold dearly). What if we (these bundles of thought patterns we identify as 'I') really don't have control, at least not in the sense we generally recognize? What if we are actually part of larger patterns of life itself and so are actually only experiencing this very tiny piece of the puzzle, not personally creating it? Sound fatalistic? Perhaps, but only when dropped into a belief system that is fearful (and they all are). What if you could see through the fearful beliefs and just be right now? What might it look like then?
A bientot

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